The Lord of Universe Church

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Home » The Teachings of Master Hanjing » Part One: About Daily Living » 86. The Work of Full-Time Staff Is Based on Service

86. The Work of Full-Time Staff Is Based on Service




1 A gracious donation is based on what one can give willingly. There are no set rules for what amount to give. Donations from willing strivers are the sources of funds for Church regular expenses. One of the major expenditures is for personnel, in subsidizing full-time staff strivers. All full-time staff strivers are strivers that have dedicated themselves to serving the Church. They are paid monthly by the Church. The amount is not much, so you can only consider their salary as work subsidy.

1 安悅奉獻是量力奉獻,沒有金額的硬性規定,完全是由同奮發心自願奉獻,作為教院經常性開支的來源。其中有一大比例是人事費用,為專職同奮的津貼。專職同奮來教院服務的目的是在奉獻。由教院每月支付的津貼,為數不算多,只能算是工作津貼。

2 If we use ten thousand New Taiwan Dollars as work subsidy monthly, when a striver contributes five hundred monthly, it requires the contributions of twenty strivers to pay for the monthly work subsidy of one full- time staff striver. Even a small gift can go a long way. As the old adage says: “Travel a thousand miles to deliver some goose feathers, but it conveys a deep sentiment,” The sentiment is indeed very deep.

2 以每月一萬元津貼來計算,若一般同奮每月安悅奉獻五百元,就要有二十位同奮的安悅奉獻,才能支付一位專職同奮的津貼。所謂「千里送鵝毛,重在一片情」,這份情意真是很重。

3 Therefore, all you full-time staff strivers, dedicate yourselves to doing your work with all of your hearts and all your might. Come for the sake of serving God. Shoulder your responsibility and work hard. If you slack off, you will have to bear the consequences.

3 所以專職同奮一定要盡心盡力做事,真正為 上帝服務而來,負起責任努力工作。如果有所懈怠,一定會承受到自己種下的後果。

The Expanded Business Meeting of the Ultimate Hall, June 5, 1994


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