四、知足助人 積德最重要
1 Wealth is something outside of us. We need to take a detached view of tangible wealth. As long as we are able to care for our parents, support our families, and educate our children, what we have should be enough. Too much of it could cause us to do evil things.
1 錢財是身外之物。有形的財富要看淡。只要能奉養父母、撫養妻兒、教育子女就足矣,太多了會造孽!
2 Intangible wealth comes from accumulated virtues. One should have self-restraint when dealing with others, seize opportunities to help others, do good deeds to the best of one’s ability and make sacrifices for one’s country, society and God.
2 無形的財富是積德。要克己待人,把握機會助人。力量所及,犧牲自己、把自己奉獻給國家、奉獻給社會、奉獻給 上帝。
3 If one does this, it appears to temporarily reduce one’s wealth, but in the long view it leaves merits for one’s descendants. Accumulating virtues is most important.
3 真能如此,從近處看是財富減少,從遠處看是積德;積德最重要。
4 One day when we leave this physical world and go elsewhere in space, virtues, sins and vices will be carried with us.
4 一旦離開這有形的世界到其他的太空,功德會帶走,罪孽會帶走。
Spiritual Talk about the Practice of Chinese Original Quiet Sitting, July 29, 1979