Prayer against Violence in the Time of Heavenly Amnesty
Benevolent Lord! Please listen to our pleas for the ending of violent strife. First of all, from the bottom of our hearts, we are thankful and grateful for your three gifts which belong inherently to all living things as their just rights, namely: The Universal Dignity of Life; The Harmony that Makes Existence Possible; and…
Read MoreThe Affirmative Spiritual Content of Heavenly Amnesty Year
“In summary, the affirmative spiritual content of Heavenly Amnesty Year is as follows: Peace and harmony; Looking within and making amends; Reconciliation and forgiveness; Compassion and giving; Undertaking responsibilities and making sacrifices. In the conclusion of my written plea for Heavenly amnesty, I wrote: “When our Church was revived in the human world, our honored…
Read MoreScope, Guidelines, and Time-Frame for Pardoning and Amnesty
“In this Year of Heavenly Amnesty I also propose the scope and targets of amnesty as follows: All beings in the space on or around planet earth, whether sentient or non-sentient, physical or non-physical, of whatever religion, race, gender, or region, whether good or evil. The standard for pardoning self and others will be based…
Read MoreBasic Conditions for Heavenly Amnesty: Pardon Self and Others
“Therefore, I believe the positive meaning of Heavenly amnesty to be as follows: 1) Heavenly amnesty is a new era of pacifism and humanitarianism that will put an end to violence. 2) Heavenly amnesty is a new liberation movement that will dispel collective karma through pardoning self, pardoning others, and looking within. 3) Heavenly amnesty…
Read MoreThe Basic Spirit of Heavenly Amnesty: End Cruelty and Violence
“I plead earnestly before God our Hierarch, because of the four circumstances above, beginning with the year 2000: 1) that every thousandth year be recognized as a Year of Heavenly Amnesty; 2) that every hundredth year be recognized as a Year of Pardon. At the same time I implore, during this first year of Heavenly…
Read MoreBackground Circumstances of our Church’s Request to T’ienti for a Year of Heavenly Amnesty
“As the Second Presiding Emissary of the T’ienti Teachings to this world, I, Lee Wei-sheng, poured my heart’s blood into writing a message during Celestial Inspection Days of 1999. I knelt weeping before the Seat of Rule and implored our Hierarch T’ienti, the Mystic, Encompassing, Supreme Lord, to be inclined with compassion toward us, and…
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