The Ultimate Realm is a timeless written treasure, completed during the 1940’s by Han-ching Lao-jen [the Venerable Vessel of Stillness ], Mr. Lee Yü-chieh, on the cloud-hidden heights of China’s sacred Western Peak- Hua Mountain, inheriting the essence of China’s traditional culture and joining it with principles of natural and social science. This book draws judiciously on religious philosophy, both Chinese and foreign; it was produced by constant pure-hearted communion with the non-physical, spirit realm.
- Substance of the Cosmos: Mind and Matter as Unity with Dual Function
- The Basic Nature of “Divinity”–The Third Theory of Godhood: Equality of Sacred and Mundane
- The Meaning of Humanness: Human Life Viewed as Striving
- Ultimate Aims: The Ideal of Three Unities