The Lord of Universe Church

A way to our home in the Cosmos

Home » The Teachings of Master Hanjing » Part One: About Daily Living » 79. The Three Absolute “Must-Dos” for Church Clergy

79. The Three Absolute “Must-Dos” for Church Clergy




1 I am announcing the three “absolute must- dos” for Church clergy: (1) to be absolutely loyal to God, (2) to be absolutely subordinate to the organization, and (3) to absolutely execute the Church system. Strivers of the Lord of Universe Church have the “three essentials”: “faith, vows, and deeds” to follow. Church clergy should strive for the Church even more persistently. That is the reason why I am announcing the three “absolute must-dos.”

1 我宣布天帝教神職人員的三要:第一要絕對效忠教主;第二要絕對服從組織;第三要絕對實踐制度。因為天帝教有同奮三要-「信願行」,神職人員更要能持續為教奮鬥,所以宣布這個神職三要。

2 The first, absolute loyalty to God, has two perspectives. From the standpoint of the human world and human Dao, it means to be loyal to everything. From the standpoint of heavenly Dao, it refers to after you have accomplished your work in doing meritorious conducts and fulfilling internal cultivation attainments on Earth, you return to be at God’s side and abide with the universe.

2 效忠 上帝這個「忠」字,從人道觀點來說,是指一切要忠誠,從天道觀點來說,是指等到功圓果滿證道以後,要回到 上帝的左右,與宇宙共始終。

3 Therefore, when we say “being loyal to God,” we mean “being loyal to the end.” As we recite our pledge of allegiance in the human world, Church clergy are required to affirm their loyalty to God.

3 所以說是效終 上帝,因為「忠」就是「終」。在人間講效忠,因此神職人員必須對教主「忠貞不貳」。

4 The second, being absolutely subordinate to the organization: The Lord of Universe Church is an organized church. In order to continue to grow and spread its message, its leadership must be obeyed, and all members must subordinate to the organization.

4 第二要絕對服從組織。天帝教是個有組織的宗教。要普化世界,必須靠組織來領導,因此必須要服從組織。

5 Just having an organization is not enough. There must also be a system. Since the revival of the Lord of Universe Church thirteen years ago, even though we have Church Charter as the constitution, it is still incomplete. The regulations and systems to be set up rely on the implementation and execution by strivers from each Hall and Chapel at all levels of the Church’s preaching system. Church clergy must first lead by personal examples.

5 有了組織還必須要建立制度。天帝教復興十三年來,雖然《教綱》是大法,但是還有很多地方不完備,還亟待建立的規章、制度,要靠弘教系統之各級教院、各階層的同奮來實行。神職人員必須先要以身作則。

The Anthro-Celestial Research College, the Anthro-Celestial Cultivation College, November 23, 1993


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