The Lord of Universe Church

A way to our home in the Cosmos

Category: Book

  • Chapter 15: Quotations on the Mental Practice of Quiet Immersion

    第十五講 靜參心法語錄 1 ★The mental practices cultivated by Chinese schools are: Confucians “rectify the mind and make the will sincere.” Buddhists “see into their original nature.” Daoists “temper the mind in quietude.” 1 ★中國各家修煉心法:儒家「正心誠意」。佛家「明心見性」。道家「清靜煉心」。 2 Chinese Original Quiet Sitting is for “directly cultivating the great empty Dao of the highest heaven, which is a natural, unforced,…

  • Chapter 14: Practicing Quiet Sitting Requires Commitment and Perseverance

    第十四講 靜坐修持應矢勤不怠 1 The Chinese know the most about cultivating the Dao and refining an inner elixir. There has been quiet sitting in China since the Yellow Emperor learned the Dao from Guangchengzi. This advanced method of uplifting human life is a practice unique to the Chinese people. 1 中國人最懂得修道煉丹。從黃帝問道於廣成子之前就有打坐,因此,靜坐修煉為中土人類特有的人生最高修養方法。 2 When I was on Mount…

  • Chapter 13: Only the Spirit Is Undying



    第十三講 只有精神可以不死 1 The Supreme Truth-Blossom Vehicle Method for reaching the highest heaven is a natural, unforced, non-purposive mindfulness for cultivating the great empty Dao. It is different from ordinary meditation in Chinese tradition. 1 法華上乘直修昊天虛無大道自然無為心法,與中國傳統的一般靜坐不同。 2 Teaching Chinese Original Quiet Sitting is to make the great cosmic Dao of God known. It is a method…

  • Chapter 12: The Fundamental Method of Avoiding Nuclear Holocaust

    第十二講 避免核戰浩劫的根本之道 1 Presently, many people like quiet sitting for its health-building and healing effects. There is nothing wrong with this way of thinking. However, there are distinct levels of quiet sitting. 1 現在有許多人喜歡靜坐,認為可以強身治病。這種想法,並無不對。可是靜坐有多種層次之分。 2 If you breathe air at ground level and guide the movement of qi, you will be vulnerable to fallout from nuclear…

  • Chapter 11: The Aims of Chinese Original Quiet Sitting (2)

    第十一講 正宗靜坐的目的(二) 1 As we all know, although mankind’s intellect ranks highest in all of creation, his lifespan, however, will be no longer than that of an animal if he fails to nurture life. 1 我們大家都知道,人雖為萬物之靈,但是不知養生保命,其生命之短暫與動物一樣。 2 Even small animals such as foxes know enough to cultivate, though only for selfish purposes. Fox-spirits draw in the…

  • Chapter 10: The Aims of Chinese Original Quiet Sitting (1)

    第十講 正宗靜坐的目的(一) 1 The three aims of Chinese Original Quiet Sitting are:(1) To transcend the mundane and enter the sacred(2) To return to oneness with nature(3) To attain eternal life and coexist with other eternal spirits 1 中國正宗靜坐的目的可分為下列三點:(一)超凡入聖。(二)回歸自然。(三)永生共生。 2 To arrive at these three aims, three basic criteria must be met first:(1) Purifying the heart [mind] and diminishing…

  • Chapter 9: Natural Reactions to Quiet Sitting



    第九講 靜坐的自然反應 1 There are several physical natural reactions that can take place after a certain period of quiet sitting. There is no need to be alarmed. They are all normal occurrences. 1 靜坐一段時間後,必然身體會有一些自然反應。各位不必緊張疑懼,這些都是正常現象。 2 I would like to explain some of those physical reactions for your information. 2 茲就身體上的一些反應說明如後,提供大家參考。 3 (1) Reactions Involving the Legs:…

  • Chapter 8: Key Points for Chinese Original Quiet Sitting



    第八講 正宗靜坐的基本要訣 1 Some of the points to remember about Chinese Original Quiet Sitting technique fall under these areas: 1) Sitting postures2) Guidelines for sitting3) Appropriate hours for quiet sitting4) Key points and taboos for successful quiet sitting 1 談到中國正宗靜坐的基本要訣,可包括:①靜坐的姿態②靜坐的坐訣③靜坐的時間④靜坐的戒與忌等重點 2 Each of these areas is discussed separately below: (1) Sitting Postures: The first posture is…

  • Chapter 7: The Method of Practicing Chinese Original Quiet Sitting

    第七講 正宗靜坐的修煉方法 1 There are fundamental distinctions between quiet sitting taught at the Lord of Universe Church and the traditional Daoist cultivation techniques. 1 天帝教的正宗靜坐與道家傳統的修煉方法,自有其基本上的差異。 2 We practice Chinese Original Quiet Sitting, which is the Supreme Truth- Blossom Vehicle Method for reaching the highest heaven. It is a natural, unforced and non-purposive mindfulness for cultivating the…

  • Chapter 6: Serene Quiet Sitting: A Method Which Everyone Can Learn

    第六講 人人可學的靜心靜坐 1 Many people in the modern world want to learn quiet sitting [meditation]. On the one hand, technological advancements help people live an affluent and materialistic life, and with it, they have come to realize the importance of their inner spiritual lives. Thus, they start to look for ways to bring peace and happiness…