The Lord of Universe Church

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Home » The Teachings of Master Hanjing » Part One: About Daily Living » 63. Keeping a Clean Heart and “Letting Go” at Any Given Time

63. Keeping a Clean Heart and “Letting Go” at Any Given Time



六三、時時清心 刻刻放下

1 The world we live in requires us to cope with different environments and conditions. What we encounter affects our emotions and can make us happy, angry, sad, or joyful. These emotions, in turn, can lead to other emotions, or affect others.

1 一般人活在世上,要應付社會各方面的環境,每天所遭遇到的,免不了都是喜、怒、哀、樂方面的事情。這許多喜、怒、哀、樂都會直接影響到我們的情緒。

2 But for your own sake, do not be too excited about happy matters, and do not become pessimistic or too disappointed over sad or worrisome matters. Once you have experienced something, allow the experience to pass without leaving any trace. Let everything go.

2 但是為了自己打算,快樂的事情也不要太高興;悲傷、煩惱的事情,也不要太失望、太悲觀。要過即不留,就是一切放下。

3 This is not only referring to “letting it go” while practicing quiet sitting. It should be applied to daily living, as well.

3 不單是在靜坐的時候要放下,平時也要放下。

4 Suppose you do quiet sitting four times a day, and sit for one hour each time. It takes four hours of your day. If you cannot “let your thoughts go” at other times when you are not practicing quiet sitting, and you count on quiet sitting as the only time to “let your thoughts go,” then what help can this be to you? Please think about this and see if you agree with me.

4 靜坐一天假定坐四次,一次坐一小時,一天四小時。其他時候你滿腦子還是放不下,單單靠靜坐,對你有什麼幫助啊?你們各位想想對不對?

5 As you see, “letting go” is very important in daily living. So is purifying the mind. You struggle in the “bitter sea of life” from morning to night, at times you are floating and at times you are sinking. Whether you feel happy or sad, be moderate. Do not overdo.

5 所以平時也非常重要,平時也要清心啊!不要一天到晚在這個苦海裡面浮沉。不管是快樂、悲傷,樣樣都要適可而止。

The Third Teachers and High Level Church Officers Class, July 18, 1991


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