126. One Spirit Shining Constantly


1 What is meant by “one spirit shining constantly?”

1 何謂一靈常照?

2 The main principles of using the “natural, non-purposive mindfulness of cultivating the great empty Dao of the highest heaven,” are for practitioners to “let go of everything and let everything go. Think of nothing. Let all thoughts go.” This will let you reach a trance-like state, “at the edge of sleep yet not asleep, at the edge of waking yet not awake.”

2 天帝教直修昊天虛無大道自然無為心法的原理,就是希望大家在做功夫的時候,能一切放下,放下一切;一切不想,不想一切,以達渾渾噩噩的境界,亦即將睡未睡、似覺不覺的觀照狀態。

3 At that time, your engendered spirit is embodied within you. When you reach a trance-like state, “at the edge of sleep yet not asleep, at the edge of waking yet not awake,” with no dozing off, in total quietude, your primal shen[34] would be clear. This is the true meaning of “one spirit shining constantly.”

3 此時,你的原靈清明在躬(躬指身體)。打坐時若能經常保持將睡未睡、似覺不覺的心理狀態,不昏沈瞌睡,靜到極點,元神自然清明在躬。這就是一靈常照的真意。

The Men’s Sixth Chinese Original Quiet Sitting Xianxiu Class and the Women’s Ninth Chinese Original Quiet Sitting Class, April 10, 1988


[34] During quiet sitting when you reach the point where "one spirit shining constantly," means your engendered spirit ( 原靈 comes from outside of your body) and the primal shen ( 元神 from within yourself) have become one; thus these two terms are used interchangeably.