1 I. Those who sacrificed and contributed their ideas and efforts or contributed financially but did not have time to cultivate before their death will go to the Pristine Courtyard [a nonphysical palace] to continue tempering their vital spirit.
1 一、肯犧牲奉獻(出心、出力、出錢),但未能及時真修實煉者:將來可以進入清虛宮下院,繼續煉靈,即修煉元神。
2 Yet, tempering the spirit is very difficult because without a body it is difficult to tell when one can succeed. That is why we say it is not so easy to obtain a human form.
2 但煉靈是非常困難的,因為沒有軀殼可假借憑藉,不知要煉到什麼時候才能成功,所以說人身難得。
3 II. Those who are not only willing to sacrifice or contribute but also have the time to cultivate and:
3 二、肯犧牲奉獻又能真修實煉者:
4 (1) Understand how to borrow from the false (the flesh) to cultivate the true (the true self), to temper jing, qi, and shen, in remaking the living body. They commit themselves to the Dao and sacrifice and contribute their entire beings to strive for the Church. They would be awarded the title of Heavenly Count, be recognized as human immortals, and a fragment of their spirit would be raised and transported to heaven on every new moon and full moon days.
4 (一)懂得借假(軀殼)修真(真我),鍛煉精氣神,以創造新生命,一面以身許道,全部犧牲奉獻,為教奮鬥到底者:生前即可獲得天上爵位,位列人仙,每逢朔望須要提靈上昇。
5 (2) Have committed themselves entirely to striving for the Church, and passed on before they have completed their cultivation on Earth: As they have records of virtues, merits, and foundation in cultivating the Dao, they can continue tempering at the Pristine Palace [a nonphysical palace], making their cultivation more efficient, and they will receive new spiritual assignments.
5 (二)在為教奮鬥,鞠躬盡瘁時,修煉雖尚未完成,但因其已有功德紀錄、修煉基礎,到清虛宮後再繼續修煉較快,便可獲派神職。
A fellowship meeting at Tianji Traveling Palace, November 12, 1984