1 From the standpoint of the entire energy flow [of the Earth], the Phase of Onset of the End Time of the Third Epoch process began in China. I have been telling all of you over and over that the problems of the world come from Asia, and the problems of Asia come from China.
1 從整個氣運來說,三期末劫首先在中國開始行劫。我也一再告訴大家,世界問題在亞洲,亞洲的問題在中國。
2 The problem of China lies with the conflict between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait over the past few decades. Hence, securing the safety of life and property of the twenty million people of Taiwan has become the second temporal mission of the Lord of Universe Church. The mission will be completed only when both sides unify as one nation in peace.
2 而中國問題在於台灣海峽兩岸幾十年來的對立,所以確保台灣二千萬同胞生命財產安全,成為天帝教第二個時代使命,直到兩岸真正和平統一為止。
3 Communist China advocates “One Country, Two Systems.” This approach cannot help reach peaceful unification. Even if no conflicts will arise in this generation, children of generations to come will have conflicts to deal with. Once bloodshed conflicts occur, the primal energy of the Chinese race will be depleted severely and the Chinese people will not be able to stand with pride in the international community.
3 中共主張「一國兩制」。這不可能達成和平統一。即使這一代不發生問題,後世子孫也會再起衝突。一旦爆發流血衝突,中華民族必然元氣大傷,今後中國人永久在國際社會上抬不起頭來。
4 For the sake of the Chinese race, and for the sake of our children and grandchildren, we must merge Taiwan’s economic power with Mainland China, with its more than one billion and two hundred million people. When the two are combined, the twenty- first century can then be claimed to be the century of the Chinese and the Chinese culture.
4 為了中華民族,為了子子孫孫著想,必須將台灣的經濟實力與大陸十二億以上同胞結合起來,使兩者合而為一,將來二十一世紀才是中國人、中華文化的世紀。
5 In the transfer of merit prayer of the “Long- term Prayer Assembly to Secure Taiwan and Protect the Republic of China for Peaceful Unification,” initiated on July 1 of this year, I have pointed out that only when there is only one ideology to form one China, can both sides of the Strait be truly unified peacefully.
5 我在今年七月一日啟建的「長期祈禱保台護國和平統一法會」的迴向文中指出,唯有以一個主義形成一個中國,兩岸才能真正和平統一。
The Twelfth Anniversary of the Revival of the Lord of Universe Church Assembly, December 20, 1992