1 In consideration of [Communist] China’s national situation and conditions and for promoting the Chinese people’s future needs in advancing their position in the world, [Communist] China should follow the “doctrine of the golden mean” and learn from Taiwan’s experience, by exercising the spirit and essence of the Three Principles of the People to create a true “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics.” Should this approach be well-received and followed through, China could build up an unprecedented “Great China” with global influence.
1 針對考量現代中國國情與局勢,及為了促進中華民族在世界地位國際化之未來需要,應以中庸之道,適時參考台灣經驗,擷取三民主義之精神及精華,真正塑造出具有中國特色的社會主義。長此以往,方可造就空前未有的世界性大中國。
A Letter to Mr. Deng Xiaoping, January 15, 1991