1 The Phase of Onset did not end until the end of the Second World War in 1945, when the Anti-Japanese war effort was finally victorious. As the Phase of Onset calmed down only for a short while, in less than four years, the Phase of Purification started again.
1 行劫直到三十四年二次世界大戰結束,抗戰達到最後勝利。行劫剛告一個段落,想不到還不到四年,清劫又再起來了。
2 Was it not four years from 1945 to 1949? Think about this, beginning from the Mukden Incident [the Manchurian Incident] on September 18, 1931 to 1949, there were only eighteen years and we were going through the two Phases of Onset and Purification simultaneously.
2 三十四年到三十八年不是四年嗎?你們想想,從九一八民國二十年開始,到民國三十八年短短十八年,既是行劫又是清劫。
3 By the time the Communists took over Mainland China, the Phase of Purification started over. That is, the Phase of Onset and the Phase of Purification happened back to back.
3 等到共產黨佔領大陸,再度開始清劫,行劫連同清劫,也就是行劫帶著清劫。
4 Since Mainland China was taken over, the compatriots on Mainland China have been living in scorching flames and deep water for forty three years until today.
4 大陸變色後,大陸同胞陷於水深火熱之中,一直到今天共四十三年。
5 The Phase of Onset began from the Mukden Incident [the Manchurian Incident] in 1931. It was not until this year [1992] that it moved to the Phase of Leveling.
5 從民國二十年九一八行劫開始,直到今年才轉變為平劫。
6 At the Celestial Inspection Days at the end of last year, God issued an edict, saying that this year, 1992, begins the Phase of Leveling. This is to say that it has been sixty years already since the beginning of the Phases of Onset and Purification.
6 去年年底巡天節 上帝聖駕頒詔時,說是今年(民國八十一年)開始平劫,也就是說,行劫、清劫經過了六十年。
7 The Six Phases are: Onset, Purification, Leveling, Spring, Abundance, and Unity. In the process of Purification, there is also the Phase of Onset. As the Onset Phase proceeds, the Phase of Purification is proceeding at the same time.
7 「行、清、平、春、康、同」。在清劫的過程中同樣有行劫,一面行劫,一面清劫。
8 Even though we are in the Phase of Leveling, know that the Phases of Onset and Purification are still continuing simultaneously.
8 現在雖然進入平劫的時代,同樣還要行劫,還要清劫。
9 Logically speaking, once we are in the Phase of Leveling, the world should be at peace. Does this mean that those areas that have not been through the Phases of Onset and Purification can be ushered into the Phase of Leveling? Is this possible?
9 照一般常理講,到平劫應該要太平了。是不是說過去沒有受到行劫、清劫的地區,可以突然就進入平劫,可能不可能啊?
10 Naturally we hope Taiwan, being the Revival Base of the Lord of Universe Church, can go through the Phases of Onset and Purification without experiencing much hardship. Just let the twenty million people of Taiwan have a peaceful life and a good living. Let them be exempted from the Phases of Onset and Purification.
10 我們當然希望台灣寶島因為是天帝教的復興基地,希望在行劫、清劫的階段,台灣不會經歷苦難。就讓台灣兩千萬同胞過過太平的日子、好的生活,不要經過行劫、清劫啦!
11 The Phase of Leveling is the time to fulfill the Third Heavenly Mandate or else when can the Third Heavenly Mandate be completed? If it is stalled until the Phase of Spring, that would be a major problem. This is because during the Phase of Spring, just as various kinds of flowers bloom during that time, all religions sprout at the same time, looking for converts. Sometimes, some superstitious [demonic] religions could become more popular than those with proper beliefs.
11 平劫就是完成第三個天命的時候,否則第三天命要到什麼時候完成?若是拖到了春劫,那就是不得了了,因為在春劫這個萬花怒放,萬教齊發的時期中,有時迷信的宗教會比正信的宗教更興盛。
12 Earth immortals in Mount Kunlun are attained by humans through cultivation. They all have the heavenly mandate to rescue the world during the End Time of the Third Epoch, particularly during the Phase of Spring. They have the obligation to fulfill their heavenly mandate during this period of time.
12 崑崙山的地仙是由人修煉而成的。他們都負有挽救三期末劫的天命,尤其是在春劫這一個階段,有責任完成他們的天命。
The Anthro-Celestial Research College, March 6, 1992