The Lord of Universe Church

A way to our home in the Cosmos

185. Proper Beliefs and Superstitions




1 Most of the people that go to temples to burn incense and worship do so to ask for blessings for personal future. It is all about their personal wellbeing. This is a selfish behavior, it is superstition.

1 一般人到廟宇燒香禮拜,幾乎都是為個人的前途、命運求福報,為個人打算。這種自私自利的行為,就是迷信。

2 If a person forgets about himself but thinks about all the living beings of this world, he has the proper beliefs. The temporal missions that strivers of the Lord of Universe Church shoulder are completely built upon proper beliefs.

2 一心能為天下蒼生,乃至萬生萬靈設想,時存無我、忘我之精神,才是正信。天帝教同奮們肩負起救世救人的時代使命,完全建立在正信的基礎上。

Fellowship Meeting, February 15, 1985


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