The Lord of Universe Church

A way to our home in the Cosmos

212. The Leading Characters at the End Time of the Third Epoch




1 The protagonist at the End Time of the Third Epoch is China. Superficially, we are in the Phases of Onset, Purification, and Leveling of the End Time of the Third Epoch, where the United States and the Soviet Union are playing the leading roles [in the world]. When it comes to the latter stage of the End Time of the Third Epoch, in the Phases of Spring, Abundance, and Unity, it would be up to the Chinese. The Chinese would play the real leading role.

1 三期末劫的主角是中國。儘管表面看起來,現在是行、清、平的階段,美國同蘇聯是主角,將來最後完成這個三期末劫,達成春、康、同的,就是中國人。中國人才是真正的主角。

2 Why do we have to secure Taiwan as the Base of Revival? This is because we must keep the heritage of our Chinese roots so that we can one day return to Mainland China, and both sides of the Taiwan Strait could be unified peacefully, and the twenty- first century can be claimed as the Chinese Century.

2 為什麼要確保台灣復興基地?有了這一個老根我們才能回大陸啊!兩岸才能和平統一,二十一世紀才是中國人的世紀。

The Anthro-Celestial Research College, October 30, 1991


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