1 The thoughts of Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s, our national father, are the Three Principles of the People. These principles are not the property of the Chinese Nationalist Party, [aka Kuomintang (KMT)]. They belong to all Chinese people. When our national father initiated the revolution [in 1911] and introduced the Three Principles of the People, he did it for all Chinese people.
1 國父孫逸仙思想就是三民主義。它不是國民黨一黨的專利,它為全體中國人民所共有。當年國父首倡革命,建立三民主義,為的就是中國全體國民。
2 Now we are in the “Era of the Third Heavenly Mandate” The Third Heavenly Mandate is to use the Three Principles of the People to unify China. The Three Principles of the People can be used not only to save China, but to save the world as well.
2 現在是第三天命時期。第三天命是要用三民主義統一中國。三民主義不單可以救中國,而且可以救世界!
3 It is best to use the Three Principles of the People to replace Communism because they represent moderate Socialism, because they are best suited to meet the needs of China, and they can save China and Taiwan.
3 今天最好用三民主義來代替共產主義。因為三民主義是一個溫和的社會主義,最適於中國國情了。實行三民主義,可以救中國、救台灣。
4 Taiwan has been saved by the grace of the Three Principles of the People. If some day these principles will be carried out in Mainland China, Taiwan and China will become one nation with one ideology. By that time, there will be no reason for China not to be unified.
4 台灣如今已經得救了,就是靠三民主義得救的啊!如果有一天大陸也實行三民主義,變成「一個國家、一個主義」,那麼中國大陸和台灣那有不統一的道理啊!
The Anthro-Celestial Research College, November 6, 1991