The Lord of Universe Church

A way to our home in the Cosmos

203. Ushering into the Twenty-First Century




1 For the future of our race and more than one billion and one hundred million people, Communist China should discard preconceived ideas and ideologies, resolve the past historical grievances, and recover the historical sentiments from both sides quickly.

1 為民族及十一億以上同胞前途,必須拋棄成見,化解過去歷史恩怨情結,迅速恢復雙方歷史感情,放下意識形態的堅持。

2 Both sides should engage in frank talks based on practical matters concerning people on both sides of the Strait, for the welfare of the people, for the future of our nation, and for the reunification of the country.

2 以有利於兩岸同胞的實務為基礎,為人民福祉、民族前途及國家統一設想,開誠會談。

3 Under reasonable conditions, we should reenact a new constitution, give the country a new name to reestablish and build a democratic country. This new democratic country is ruled by law, where the citizens are affluent evenly and live in peace and prosperity. It is a modern new China where people’s desires and God’s wish are fulfilled. The creation of the new China can thus usher us into the twenty-first century of the Chinese people.

3 在合情合理的條件下,重新制定新憲法,重立新國號,共建一個民主、法治、均富、和平、繁榮,合乎天意人願的現代化新中國,以迎接即將到來的中國人的二十一世紀。

A Letter to Mr. Deng Xiaoping, January 15, 1991


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