The Lord of Universe Church

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Home » The Teachings of Master Hanjing » Part Four: About Preaching » 260. Pursuing Good Deed Opportunities Aggressively; Accumulating Merits and Virtues

260. Pursuing Good Deed Opportunities Aggressively; Accumulating Merits and Virtues




1 Everyone should understand the reason for pursuing opportunities to do good deeds aggressively, versus accumulating virtues. Pursuing opportunities to do good deeds aggressively requires one to take action while accumulating virtues is somewhat passive.

1 大家要懂得爭功爭德、培功立德的道理。爭功爭德就是要主動,採取積極主動。培功立德多少帶一點被動性質。

2 Every rightful religion’s starting point is to benefit others, to do things for others. Hence, all disciples of all religions should basically accumulate merits and virtues.

2 每一個正信宗教的出發點都是利人、為他人著想,所以每一個宗教的信徒,基本上都應該培功立德。

3 As long as a disciple’s intentions and his daily actions are not looking for his own gain, he will have opportunities to accumulate merits and virtues. Such actions will help him reduce the karmic obstacles that he had accumulated in past lives and stop him from accumulating new karmic debts.

3 他的起心動念,生活行動,只要不是為他自己打算,就有培功立德的機會,使他生生世世的業障慢慢減少,新的債務不再增加。

4 Reducing “new karmic debts” means he will not do evil things or create bad karma. These people serve as a stabilizing force for the society on Earth.

4 減少「新的債務」就是不再去做壞事、造惡業。這種人在人間社會就是一個安定的力量。

The Anthro-Celestial Research College, Nov. 6, 1991


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