1 Why should the Lord of Universe Church be revived in Taiwan? This is because:
1 天帝教為什麼要在台灣寶島復興呢?因為:
2 The realization of God’s true Dao is manifested through the main ideas of Confucianism of Chinese culture.
2 上帝真道的體現,就是中華文化儒家的中心思想。
3 The roots of Chinese culture are in Taiwan.
3 中華文化的老根在台灣。
4 It is God’s desire to create life. Before the Earth is destroyed, God wants to preserve a safe haven, establish the foundation of the Church to keep the channel of communication between heaven and humanity open, and extend human life on Earth.
4 上天有好生之德。在整個地球毀滅之前,希望保存一方淨土,建立教基,貫通天心人心,可以延續人類的生命。
5 God has chosen Taiwan. We must firmly believe that we can revive our country and use the Three Principles of the People as the means to unify China.
5 上帝選擇了台灣。我們要堅信,我們一定可以復國,三民主義一定可以統一中國。
Chao Jhou [now spelled Chaozhou] Junior Chamber, September 26, 1984