1 The Three Principles of the People are Principles of Nationalism, Principles of Democracy and Principles of People’s Livelihood.
1 三民主義由民族主義、民族主義、民族主義構成,簡稱三民主義。
2 A striver is a person that was initiated by the Lord of Universe Church. The Chinese term “striver” implies that believers strive together.
2 同奮係指皈依天帝教的信徒彼此之間的稱謂,意涵共同奮鬥之意。
3 The five cardinal disciplines include:
(1) living the Twenty Watchwords,
(2) reflecting and repenting,
(3) chanting the two Orisons,
(4) quiet sitting (meditating),
(5) filling out the striving card.
The four cardinal disciplines include all but quiet sitting of the above.
3 五門基本功課係指:
4 The Three Treasures are: the treasure of God, the treasure of the Dao, and the treasure of the teacher. [Not to be confused with the three bodily treasures: jing, qi, and shen.]
4 三寶:帝寶、道寶、師寶。
5 The Three Mottos:
(1) Emulate the laws of nature and you will succeed in life; exercise your virtues by doing good deeds and always follow the principle of moderation.
(2) Take worldly matters lightly and ask for nothing but to keep the Dao heart [also called Dao mindset.] Always remember the traditional Chinese teaching of following the unbiased path throughout your life.
(3) Treat all beings with the same kind heart. Respond to all happenings with an unbiased heart. Keep the harmony of all lives and things as they evolve so that one day we may reach the realm of abundance and unity.
5 三銘:
(一)承天效法 一貫大成 克明止善 永達厥中
(二)淡泊寧靜 滌新道心 前王不忘 惟始惟終
(三)平等同仁 無為大公 協和敦化 允進康同
6 The Four Precepts of Church Regulations include:
(1) Precepts of Living, (2) Precepts of Striving, (3) Precepts of Equality, and (4) Precepts of Unity.
6 教約四戒係指:
7 “Code of Life”: The Code of Life, written by Hierarch Xiao Changming, entails the definitions of each of the Twenty Watchwords in detail with examples. They are the precepts that strivers of the Lord of Universe go by in their daily living.
7 教則:即《人生守則》或稱《人生指南》,由蕭昌明大宗師所著。內容詳細解釋廿字真言的每一個字的真義並逐一舉例說明之。此乃天帝教同奮日常生活的準則。
8 The Twenty Watchwords are: Loyalty, Forgiveness, Incorruptibility, Insight, Virtue,
Rectitude, Justice, Trustworthiness, Forbearance, Altruism,
Philanthropy, Filial Piety, Benevolence, Compassion, Awareness,
Integrity, Moderation, Truthfulness, Propriety, Harmony.
8 廿字真言係指:
9 The Supreme Truth-Blossom Vehicle Method for reaching the highest heaven is the abbreviated form for “the Supreme Truth-Blossom Vehicle Method for reaching the highest heaven, which is a natural, non- purposive mindfulness.” Other three terms of this method, “directly practicing a natural, non-purposive mindfulness for cultivating the great empty Dao of the highest heaven,” the “Supreme Truth- Blossom Vehicle Method of Chinese Original Quiet Sitting,” and the “Mindfulness of the Highest Heaven Method” are, in fact, referring to the same method; thus are used interchangeably throughout the text.
9 法華上乘昊天心法之全名為「法華上乘直修昊天虛無大道自然無為心法」。內文中或見「法華上乘自然無為心法」,或「天帝法華上乘昊天靜參心法」,或「法華上乘正宗靜坐」,或簡稱為「昊天心法」,實乃同一心法也。
10 “The End Time of the Third Epoch”
(1) According to Master Teacher, we are in this period right now and the End Time of the Third Epoch will be the Third World War. Keep in mind that the first and second World Wars were not indicators of the End Times of the first two Epochs. There were End Times of the First Epoch and the Second Epoch. Master Teacher did not specify when and where they took place.
(2) The End Time of the Third Epoch also refers to the End Time of the three domains: the heavenly domain, the human domain and the underworld domain. During the End Time of the Third Epoch all living beings and spirits in the three domains will be destroyed.
The process of the End Time of the Third Epoch: the Six Phases of Onset, Purification, Leveling, Spring, Abundance, and Unity.
10 三期末劫: