1 Heaven and the human world have different values. Worldly people value wealth and power whereas the divine values merits, virtues, and the achievement of the Dao cultivation.
1 天上人間的價值標準不同。人間重視財富與權勢,天上注重功德與道行。
2 Each person has his own temperament. The higher the level of cultivation he practices, the less worldliness there is in him. Only those who purify their hearts and control their desires can possess the appearance and disposition of the Dao essence.
2 每個人的氣質不同。修習程度愈高,俗氣愈少。清心寡慾的人才有道氣。
3 Strivers of the Lord of Universe Church must purify their hearts and lessen their desires, rectify their minds, and make their will sincere, and set a personal example in order to help themselves and others.
3 天帝教的同奮要清心寡慾,正心誠意,以身作則,才能自度度人。
4 While cultivating the Dao, there are going to be unavoidable trials and tribulations. Where there are trials and tribulations, there are opportunities for one to break through and advance his cultivation of the Dao. Therefore, do not fear these tests. Face any challenges with an everyday mind.
4 修道難免會有磨考。有磨考才會漸次突破,道業方可逐級精進。所以大家都要能不怕考,且能以平常心接受任何衝擊。
5 Calamities are man-made. They begin with thoughts. Averting calamities and rescuing begin with changing people’s hearts.
5 劫由人造、劫由心起,化劫救劫端在革心。
6 Without the existence of the devil, there is no attainment of the Dao. The devil begins with one’s desires. When one can face the challenges of trials and tribulations, he can attain the Dao.
6 無魔不成道,而此魔就是心魔在作祟。經得起魔考者,才能成道。
7 All desires rise from the heart; all obstacles begin in the heart. To defeat his devil, one must begin by controlling his own heart.
7 一切慾望由心生,一切障礙由心起。降魔首先必須降服己心。
8 The devil mind is all about wealth and sex. Only when one has determination and wisdom can he avoid being influenced by them.
8 心魔不外乎財、色二字,唯有定力與智慧方能不為其動。
9 Only the power of reflection and repentance can help a person eliminate his own demonic hindrances and obstacles.
9 唯有反省懺悔的力量,才能消除自己的魔障。
10 When one has no selfish desires and is filled with righteous qi, he can stand proudly between heaven and earth, and overcome devils from heaven, earth, and hell.
10 沒有私心,有充分的正氣,能頂天立地,才能戰勝天、地、人三魔。
11 Only when one has no fear of trials and tribulations can he understand the workings of Heaven and follow its Dao.
11 不怕魔考,才能體天行道。
12 Only when you choose to live with the Lord of Universe Church, you will be able to make the Church your home and make the universe your home.
12 要與天帝教同生共存,才能以教為家,以宇宙為家。
13 The Dao of God emphasizes that one should fulfill his human Dao [worldly obligations] first and then cultivate the heavenly Dao.
13 天帝之道,重在先盡人道,再修天道。
14 Do understand clearly, that the purpose of cultivation is not to make you successful, but rather, to save the world and its people.
14 要明瞭修行的目的,不是自了,而在於救世救人。
15 Strivers should have the spirit of making initiatives, be self-motivated, and self- disciplined. It will suffice if you can have a clear conscience each day before God.
15 同奮應有自動、自發、自律的精神,對 上帝但求每日無愧我心,可矣!
16 To the Chinese, the anthro-celestial union is the ultimate realm of spiritual cultivation. It is also the highest goal of cultivation for strivers of the Church.
16 天人合一是中國人精神修養的最高境界,也是天帝教同奮修持的終極目標。
17 The main reason of the revival of the Lord of Universe Church is for its unique temporal missions: holocaust-rescuing and saving persons of affinity.
17 天帝教重來人間的原因在於獨具之時代使命-救劫、搶救原人。
18 Strengthen your sense of hardship. Cultivate the righteous qi of heaven and earth, and enhance the sense of your calling.
18 要加強憂患意識,積極培養天地正氣,提高使命感。
19 Humans should make the universe their home and carry out the three strivings: strive within oneself, strive toward nature, and strive toward heaven.
19 人類應以宇宙為家,實踐三種奮鬥(向自己奮鬥、向自然奮鬥、向天奮鬥)。
20 The Lord of Universe Church is a church of the universe. It does not discriminate against anyone, nor is it conservative. It intends to unite forces from other religions and together save persons of affinity.
20 天帝教是宇宙性的宗教,無任何排他性與保守性,要團結其他宗教力量,共同搶救原人。
21 Make great unbounded vows. Hold eternity as your great aspiration.
21 要發無量大願,抱永恆大志。
22 Only sincerity will receive response and proof. Reflecting and repenting daily is a manifestation of sincerity.
22 唯有誠才能得到感應證驗。每天做好反省懺悔功課,即是誠之具體表現。
23 Not looking for what one can gain, not seeking one’s own blessings. Strive with a single thought: for all the living beings of this world.
23 不為自己打算、不求個人福報,一心為天下蒼生而奮鬥。
24 To cultivate the Dao one must first begin with cultivating oneself, as the Dao is not outside of oneself; and it must begin by correcting the heart, as the Dao resides in one’s heart.
24 修道先修身,身外無道;修身先正心,道在人心。
25 To cultivate the Dao is to learn to emulate the saints and sages. To worship God is to emulate the spirits of the divine beings in order to save the world and its people.
25 修道就是要學聖賢事業,拜神是要效法仙佛度世救人的精神。
26 To cultivate the Dao requires one to endure trials and tribulations. Do not aim too high and think yourself superior to others.
26 修道要經得起磨練,不要好高騖遠,唯我獨尊。
27 A Dao cultivator needs to do what others dare not do and speak what others are afraid to say, in order to change the social atmosphere.
27 修道人要行人所不敢行,言人所不敢言,轉移社會風氣。
28 The fame and wealth that you have acquired in this life cannot go with you when you depart from this world. Only your sins, merits, and the result of self-cultivation (achievement of quiet sitting) will go with you.
28 現世的功名富貴都帶不走,只有罪惡、功德和自己的道行(靜坐功夫)可以帶著走。
29 Saving oneself and others requires action.
29 自救救人要以行動表示。
30 Only when one cultivates righteous qi can he coordinate with the divine spirits to accomplish his ideals.
30 能培養正氣,才能與天上之靈氣配合,才可能完成理想。
31 The divine beings, saints, and perfected beings in heaven cannot make any human become one of them, nor can they stop any human from becoming one of them.
31 仙佛聖真不可能使人成為仙佛聖真,仙佛聖真也不可能阻止人成為仙佛聖真。
32 “I control my own destiny.” It requires us to have a fearless spirit when striving within ourselves.
32 我命由我不由天,就是要有向自己奮鬥的大無畏精神。
33 Practice [of quiet sitting] is built up little by little over time.
33 [靜坐]功夫是點點滴滴累積起來的。
34 “Being extraordinary” requires one to have the courage and resolution that ordinary people do not have.
34 「了不起」就是有非常人的勇氣與決心。
35 While having great aspiration is important to intellectuals, cultivators of the Dao value making big vows.
35 讀書人重在立大志,修道人重在發大願。
36 All strivers of the Lord of Universe Church are inseparable from the entire human race. When there are human beings, there are strivers of the Church; where there are strivers, there is I.
36 天帝教的全體同奮與整個天下蒼生不可分割。有天下蒼生,才有天帝教同奮;有同奮才有我個人。
37 Strivers need to strive continuously for the future of the entire human race, for their country, and for the Church. The best activity to extend the life of the world and its people is to pray for them, and pray for the country and its society.
37 同奮要為整個人類命運、國家前途及天帝教的教運持續奮鬥。能為天下蒼生、國家社會祈禱,就是壽世壽民的最好活動。