Category: Book
Appendix 7: The Spirit of the Lord of Universe Church
as embossed on the wall at the Tianji Traveling Palace 附錄七、天帝教之精神(雋刻於天極行宮) 1 . Main Ideas: Emulate God’s love for life. Love your own family, your own people and all other people, and then love all other living beings. 1 一、中心思想:以生生不息,體天心之仁,親親仁民,愛同胞,愛人類,愛生物,為中心思想。 2 . Temporal Missions:(1) Strivers must not look for their own gain and not seek their…
Appendix 6: A Glossary of Terms and Concepts Used in the Preface to the First Chinese Edition of the Teachings of Master Hanjing
附錄六、《師語》中文第一版前言名詞解釋 1 The Three Principles of the People are Principles of Nationalism, Principles of Democracy and Principles of People’s Livelihood. 1 三民主義由民族主義、民族主義、民族主義構成,簡稱三民主義。 2 A striver is a person that was initiated by the Lord of Universe Church. The Chinese term “striver” implies that believers strive together. 2 同奮係指皈依天帝教的信徒彼此之間的稱謂,意涵共同奮鬥之意。 3 The five cardinal disciplines include: (1) living…
Appendix 5: Quotes about Quiet Immersion
附錄五、靜參語絲 1 When external affinities do not enter and internal affinities do not arise, or when you are not moved by emotional desires, your primal qi will not be harmed. 1 外緣不入,內緣不生,不為情欲所動,就不會損傷自己的元氣。 2 The everyday mind is the un-agitated mind. The un-agitated mind is not stirred up by sensations or hopes for profit. 2 平常心就是不動心,不動心就是不對聲色貨利動心。…
Appendix 4: Quotes about Striving
附錄四、奮鬥語絲 1 The evil hearts of people that cannot be saved and their insatiable desires lead to crises and human destruction. 1 永不滿足的慾望,無法挽救的險惡人心,是人類毀滅危機的因由。 2 Strivers should bear the responsibility of “inheriting from past generations and carrying on for the future.” The future of the Lord of Universe Church is on your shoulders. You should work…
Appendix 3: Quotes about Cultivation
附錄三、修持語絲 1 Heaven and the human world have different values. Worldly people value wealth and power whereas the divine values merits, virtues, and the achievement of the Dao cultivation. 1 天上人間的價值標準不同。人間重視財富與權勢,天上注重功德與道行。 2 Each person has his own temperament. The higher the level of cultivation he practices, the less worldliness there is in him. Only those…
Appendix 2: Ways to Conduct Yourself and Get Along with Other Fellow Strivers
附錄二、同奮間自處、相處之道 1 I. Conducting yourself:(1) Follow heaven’s decrees in everything you do.(2) Be thoughtful about other people’s needs at all times.(3) Be kind to others while talking to others. Be sincere in your attitude and humble in your behavior. 1 一、對自己-自處(一)事事要體天行道。(二)時時要為人著想。(三)要言語溫和,態度誠懇,行為謙虛。 2 II. Getting along with fellow strivers:(1) Respect other strivers(2) Be loving to other strivers(3) Be of service to other…
Appendix 1: Strivers Mottos
附錄一、同奮座右銘 1 I. All strivers should: (1) Give up selfish thoughts and keep moral principles in mind.(2) Correct themselves, transform others, be friendly to others, keep upright and reflect and repent every morning and night. (3) Join hearts together to pray for all living beings of the world and for averting nuclear holocaust. 1 一、凡我同奮應(一)去私心,存天理。(二)正己化人,與人為善,早晚切實反省。(三)大家心連心,為天下蒼生而祈禱,化解毀滅浩劫。 2 II.…
附錄 Table of Content 1. Strivers Mottos 附錄一 同奮座右銘 2. Ways to Get Along with Self and with Other Fellow Strivers 附錄二 同奮間自處、相處之道 3. Quotes about Cultivation 附錄三 修持語絲 4. Quotes about Striving 附錄四 奮鬥語絲 5. Quotes about Quiet Immersion 附錄五 靜參語絲 6. A Glossary of Terms and Concepts Used in the Preface to the First Chinese Edition of the…
278. Making the Universe One’s Home; Carrying out the Three Strivings
二七八、以宇宙為家 實踐三奮 1 Make the universe your home and carry out the three strivings:(1) Striving toward heaven, (2) Strive toward nature, (3) Striving within oneself. 1 人類應以宇宙為家,實踐三奮鬥:(一)向天奮鬥。(二)向自然奮鬥。(三)向自己奮鬥。 2 The word “striving” includes virtues and characteristics, such as: sincere thoughts with a righteous heart, benevolence, selflessness, forbearance, trustworthiness, incorruptibility, and insight. We were not born with these virtues, and they…
277. Strivers’ Awareness of Hardships; Fulfilling Heavenly Mandate and Worldly Obligations
二七七、同奮要有憂患意識 遵天命行人道 1 Strivers of the Lord of Universe Church join the Church for the sake of receiving God’s teachings, and completing the two major missions. Whatever you do, you have to follow the heavenly mandates and fulfill your worldly obligations. 1 天帝教同奮都是接受 上帝的教化,為了完成兩大使命而來。一切要遵天命、行人道。 2 Firstly, the most important thing is to have a grateful heart. We…