Section 3 : Inception of the Earth

第三節 地球之創始

  Take one of the planets –earth– as an example to examine the growth process of planets in general:


  A. Formation of the crust: Once the earth’s surface cooled into a hard and icy mass, minute particles of matter (e-tropons) remaining in space from disintegrated spiral systems fell ceaselessly on its surface over eons. These particles gradually covered over the initially cooled crust. The combination of e-tropons into atoms and into molecules caused the five evolutive phases(五行) to appear (the prime constituents of minerals and plants, etc.). The gradual strengthening of the crust had an insulating effect on the molten material within. On the outside were the landforms of the earth’s crust, and the inside remained molten. The solidified outer portion occupies approximately one-third of the whole, and the core occupies two-thirds. (See Figure 7)


Ultimate Realm Fig 7: Formation of Planetary Crust
新境界插圖七: 行星地殼形成圖

  B. State of the earth’s core: Two-thirds of the molten liquid in the earth’s core, under the effect of terrestrial rotation, underwent violent perturbations which gave off heat and generated a superheated vapor. This contained large quantities of e-tropic ch’i, pushed upward without end. Eventually the lower layer of the cooled crust was completely melted. Everywhere within the earth is filled with superheated molten liquid which seethes and pushes upward. People living on the surface of the earth may feel that they are on the lid of a kettle.


  C. Origination of minerals and plants: e-tropons and harmonons from space continually fell on the earth’s original crust. At first the e-tropons and harmonons fell on the cooled layer and gave rise to minerals and plants — the low-level animate objects. (Because this was only a low-level combination between the yang harmonons and the yin e-tropons substance.) The e-tropons and harmonons went on falling, accumulating layer upon layer, which led to formation of higher-grade plants and minerals, as well as loamy soil. Forests grew on this layer and the lower layers that had not been covered. Since lower layers that had been covered were not exposed to carbon-containing gas, they were transformed to minerals.(see Figure 8) This was the origin of plants and minerals.


  The low lying places are plains, but the higher areas (the large protuberances of the original rhomboid body that are covered with e-tropons and harmonons) became mountains.


Ultimate Realm Fig 8: Origination of Minerals and Plants
新境界插圖八: 礦植物生化圖

  D. Various natural phenomena on the earth’s surface: The following is a description of how some phenomena of the earth’s surface came about.


  1. Since the North and South Pole are relatively distant from the sun, they receive the least heat, and the ice on the surface is not easily melted. Also, because the vortical wind strikes it at a perfect tangent, it is bitterly cold all year and retains the look of the original angularities of the ice crust.


  2. Origin of rivers and seas: Steam rising from the earth’s core built up inside the mountains, where it met with lower temperatures and changed to water which flowed out from the surface. This flow was the source of rivers. The seas where it converged were once the lower, non-projecting plates on the rhomboid body which had not been covered.


  3. Origin of volcanoes: Within the crust, close to places where e-tropic liquid from the core vaporized upward (where the crust is relatively thin), molten liquid encountered phosphorus and sulphur. Upon contact with e-tropicity these ignited, and at the top became lava, which was propelled outside.


  4. Origins of earthquakes: These happen when molten liquid from the earth’s center surges upward against the thin portions of the crust. It is like the inevitable vibrations of the lid on a kettle of boiling water.


  5. As an airplane rises above the earth, it encounters progressively lower temperatures, and the atmosphere becomes thinner. This is because it is approaching the orbit of vortical wind which carries the earth along.


  6. At either end of the space between earth and other planets, three-quarters of the distance to the orbit of vortical wind (the isothermal zone) is a neutral zone between centrifugal and gravitational force. This is the buffer zone between the planet and outer space. Human spacecraft launched from the earth’s surface have a fairly easy time passing through this zone. (Between planets is an interfacing area called the orbit of vortical wind. This is a place of rapid vortical flow, so passing through it is fairly difficult. It is necessary to proceed in an orbit of one’s own planet, flying at high speed in a wide arc, in order to break away from the planet’s gravity and enter the orbit of an opposite planet.)


  7. Any two solar systems are separated by huge vortical winds. These vortical winds are so powerful that any object entering them will be pulled in and reduced to being part of the spiral harmonizing force. Thus man may be able to conduct exploration among the planets of his own solar system, but to send an object on a voyage from one solar system to another is extremely difficult.
