The Lord of Universe Church

A way to our home in the Cosmos

Section 1 : On Electropons [E-tropons]

第一節 電子論

  1. What are the ultimate constituents of matter in the cosmos? They are e-tropons. (Somewhat like the particles discovered and referred to by nuclear chemistry, this refers to the smallest units within matter, which cannot be broken down by ordinary chemical reactions.) But e-tropons can only aggregate into matter of various configurations of fineness; no life force exists among them. Thus, if there are only e-tropons but no harmonons (explained below) in whatever material object, it cannot be a living thing.


  2. E-tropons are the source of electricity, but since yin and yang e-tropons do not attain the proper je-chun [critical energy], they cannot assume a certain level required for change to electricity. Thus, in distinction to the electrical law that “likes repel; opposites attract”, the law among e-tropons is “likes attract, opposites repel”. The function of this law is to maintain aggregation of any given piece of matter. Countless yin e-tropons join to make yin e-tropicity and countless yang e-tropons join to make yang e-tropicity. Two kinds of e-tropicity are then mutually attracted, and from this comes matter. (E-tropons combine to form atoms, atoms form molecules, molecules form materials. This is the effect of what is called “loving force”.)

 ○ 電

  3. All matter contains e-tropons. Distinctions of fineness and configuration depend on the relative numbers of yin and yang e-tropons carried. This is because yin e-tropons are coarse, heavy and high in density, while yang e-tropons are fine, light and low in density. Supposing the body of a human being (the highest living creature) contains 10 billion yang e-tropons, then in the bodies of other animals, plants and minerals, the quantity of yang e-tropons carried decreases progressively with decreasing fineness. Things such as stones contain the smallest quantity of yang e-tropons, and thus become objects of the lowest grade. On the other hand, if an object can carry larger numbers of yang e-tropons than a human being, then its level will be higher than mankind in the cosmos.


  4. The amount of e-tropicity an object contains only has its static structure and passive dynamic forces (i.e. electromagnetic forces). After a human being dies the corpse decays, and its e-tropons are drawn (dissipated) by e-tropicity elsewhere, obeying the law of like-attracts-like. If all e-tropons within terrestrial landforms one day dissipate, oceans will disappear and stones lose solidity as the very landscape crumbles.


  5. Therefore e-tropons show but one side of all natural phenomena in the universe: the yin, static, passive, natural, mechanical, and lifeless side. If the universe had only e-tropons with no harmonons, it would manifest the most rudimentary phenomena of nature (only light, gases, and water). Animals, plants and minerals could not come into existence.
