《第三部》精神之人生觀   Based on the above chapters dealing with a natural view of matter, the formation of varied types of matter within celestial bodies and the evolution from minerals and plants to advanced animals are natural transformations by matter, not initiated by any supernatural principles. Thus the argument in “Part Two” of this book is mainly…

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Section 3 : Inception of the Earth

第三節 地球之創始   Take one of the planets –earth– as an example to examine the growth process of planets in general:   試以行星之一—地球為例,以見各行星中生長發育之過程:   A. Formation of the crust: Once the earth’s surface cooled into a hard and icy mass, minute particles of matter (e-tropons) remaining in space from disintegrated spiral systems fell ceaselessly on its surface over eons.…

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Section 2 : Solidification of Planets

第二節 行星成為固體之經過   Within each spiral harmony system the relatively small rhomboid gaseous bodies, in the process of their revolving, will grow cold at the surface and form a layer of icy crust due to influence of vortical wind and passage of time. (The center will be molten.) The rhomboid shape will persist. This is the initial…

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Section 1 : Formation of Stars

(Formation of Gravity Centers of Spiral Harmony Systems) 第一節 恒星之形成(旋和系重心之形成)   In the primordial, nebular state of a spiral harmony system (see Section One, Subsection B in the previous chapter), the earliest (or largest) coalesced rhomboid body takes on the greatest spiral harmonizing force. It therefore absorbs each of the bodies of lesser force into its own…

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Section 2 : Formation of Grand Spiral Harmony Systems

第二節 大旋和系之形成   The universe is a grand spiral harmony system made up of many such systems.   宇宙者,即由多數之旋和系所集成之一大旋和系也。   A. Relations among the spiral harmony systems: Spiral harmony systems will be separated by greater or lesser distances in space, depending on their relative magnitude of spiral force.   甲、各旋和系間之關係—旋和系與旋和系之間依其旋力大小之不同,故有距離不等之大小空間隔離之,大致如下: 1. When the spiral harmonizing forces of two spiral harmony…

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Section 1 : Formation of Spiral Harmony Systems

第一節 旋和系之形成   A. The primordial phenomenon of chaos: Strictly speaking, there is no such phenomenon in the universe as eternal, unvarying chaos. Chaos is only the loss of spiral harmonizing force within a spiral harmony system. When a spiral system loses this force, the space in its vicinity will be a vast expanse filled with liquid.…

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Section 5 : The Law of Universal Dynamism

第五節 萬有動力論   Taking the above theories together, one can see that everything in the universe is in a dynamic state. At the large end is the spiral harmonizing force which forms the universe’s celestial bodies; in the middle is the force of e-tropons and harmonons acting on each other, as in the human body; and at…

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Section 4 : On Spiral Harmonizing Force

第四節 旋和力論   1. When such harmonizing force expands into an immense spiral force, it becomes spiral harmonizing force, which is fundamental in forming celestial objects in the cosmos.   一、此種和力擴大而成為極大之旋動力時,即成為根本上構成宇宙天體之「旋和力」。   2. The spiral harmonizing force arises in a way consistent with material nature. Thus it is subject to certain laws, and its workings proceed according to principles…

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