The Lord of Universe Church

A way to our home in the Cosmos

Category: The Ultimate Realm

  • Section 5 : The Third Theory of Godhood

    第五節 第三神論   Now that the argument of this book has been carried to this point, it arrives at a conclusion, and that is the Third Theory of Godhood.   本書論證至此,已可下一結論,即「第三神論」是也。   The Third Theory of Godhood is the third era of divine power. It is also the phenomena of divine power as observed by present-day sciences. In ancient…

  • Section 4 : Tempering of the Spirit

    第四節 精神之鍛鍊   Since ancient times religious believers have long grappled with a difficult mystery, and that is how to hold fast, in this present body, to the endless work of tempering the three treasures: essence, ch’i and spirit. What should the path of such tempering be? It lies in purifying the heart and reducing desires. It…

  • Section 3 : The Powers of Spiritual Entities

    第三節 神的權威   The above chapters looked at human’s ways of approaching spiritual entities, with the human playing the active role and spirits the passive one. Observations were made from the human point of view. This section will take the standpoint of spiritual entities as its starting point.   以上各節,皆為人類對神之接近,以人為主動,神為被動,從吾人本身為出發點而觀察者也。至於本節,則自神之立場為出發點而立論矣。   The Lord is ruler over all spiritual entities…

  • Section 2 : Relation of Bonding and Harmonizing Forces

    第二節 親和力之關係   Having looked into the spirit realm, one may now ask: Is there any way for humans to make connection with this realm? The answer is that cultivating bonding and harmonizing forces (sympathetic force) is sufficient.   靈界之狀況明矣,人類欲求與此靈界中發生一種關係,究有何法乎?曰:培養其親和力足矣。   Bonding and harmonizing forces are an attraction of opposites as an effect of e-tropicity. This is because human…

  • Section 1 : The Realm of Spirit

    第一節 靈的境界   What is the realm of spirit? It is the non-physical realm that living beings enter when they pass away. This realm cannot be seen or heard, and in itself has no definite phenomena which prove its existence. But we cannot relegate it to the category of non-existent fantasy just because our eyes cannot see…

  • Section 2 : The Nature of Human Life

    第二節 人生之性質   A. The senses of the body: In the human body there are two basic components, as we have noted above, and these are e-tropons and harmonons. These two elemental particles influence each other. Harmonons of course can control e-tropons, but e-tropons can also influence harmonons. Harmonons are “spirit”, and e-tropons are “flesh”. The struggle…

  • Section 1 : The Origin of Life

    第一節 生命之來源   A. The law by which e-tropons aggregate into objects has been discussed in Chapter I above. The origin of life requires two basic constituents of the cosmos to be in balance. That is, only the proper combination of harmonons and e-tropons can give rise to vital force in low-level objects and to life itself…

  • CHAPTER IV : The Ultimate Truth about Life

    第四章 生命之究竟   This chapter treats the origin, the combination and transformation of life, as well as matters of karma and betterment. In other words, it addresses the ultimate questions of life.   此章說明生命之來源、配合、轉化及其因果與向上的問題,換言之,即為生命之究竟問題。