The Lord of Universe Church

A way to our home in the Cosmos

Section 1 : The Realm of Spirit

第一節 靈的境界

  What is the realm of spirit? It is the non-physical realm that living beings enter when they pass away. This realm cannot be seen or heard, and in itself has no definite phenomena which prove its existence. But we cannot relegate it to the category of non-existent fantasy just because our eyes cannot see it or our ears cannot hear it. Speaking of scientific phenomena, what our eyes and ears perceive is limited within an extremely narrow context of sound and light. Outside of this context there remains a vast universe in which countless dynamic processes exist. This vast space is the realm of spirit. As for the laws that govern this realm, they are of two sorts: One is mechanistic laws, that is the natural laws that we humans all partake in; the other sort is “laws of freedom” or “laws of divinity”. These laws are the scientific methods whereby deities and immortals, relying on their wisdom and cultivation, utilize the laws of nature.


  A. Death of human beings: When humans die, the first thing they feel is the obtaining of release. (Those who were ill feel freed of their sickness; those who were killed are released from suffering). Then comes a sense of drifting, or running headlong (for those who died horribly). In this lost state, there is an encounter with harmonons of greater power. Such harmonons are those which have duties in the spirit realm. At this point if the deceased is a good soul, its bodily substance is permeated with fewer e-tropons and it will fly buoyantly, arriving first at the spot it ought to reach. If it is a brutal soul, it will be heavy with many e-tropons; its flight will naturally will naturally be sluggish and strength-sapping. Thus the distinction of good and evil can be recognized right away. Once the good ones have been verified, they are able to soar freely and without suffering in the spirit realm. Moreover, since their bodies have buoyancy and are remarkable for being inwardly yang and outwardly yin (harmonons are covered on the outside by a small number of yin e-tropons, thus avoiding attraction by yin-type objects), they are not held down to the earth’s surface. The evil ones are the opposite of this. Their bodies are heavy and do not meet standards for existence in the spirit realm (i.e. they lack merit, virtue, wisdom and ability). Thus the powerful harmonons in the spirit realm sweep them into a vortical wind with the natural law of e-tropic force and strip off their yin e-tropons, making them lesser yang. All the harmonons are clumped together in the vortical wind, pushed down to the earth’s surface, and naturally absorbed into various sorts of bodies. When they die again and still do not meet the standards, then they will be swept into the vortical wind once more, to fall down willy-nilly and be attracted to any kind of body. In this way the cycle of life and death goes on and on. This is so-called reincarnation.


  B. Harmonons and freed spirits: After a person dies, he beomes a harmonon. Harmonons are of two distinct kinds–freed spirits and free-floating harmonons (ordinary harmonons). These so-called free-floating harmonons are actually without true freedom; what freedom they have is a miserable sort of drifting, not a freedom to be oneself. This is because they have been stripped by the vortical wind, leaving them in a semi-delirious state. They have no distinction of sex (such distinction is based on e-tropons), and no sense of sight. Upon encountering attraction they are absorbed. Though this process of drifting through space occupies a great span of time, there is never any clear awareness. It is a realm through which one strays in confusion. A freed spirit, on the other hand, is quite different from this. Its body is lighter, and can mount straight to the upper reaches of the isothermal zone. It need not be stripped down by the vortical wind. Because its bodily substance is half-yin half-yang, it is in no danger of being absorbed by objects on the earth’s surface (like repels like). For this reason such freed spirits have an extremely long span of life. From the field of vortical wind to the earth’s surface below, there is nothing sufficient to destroy them. Only when the entire spiral harmony system returns to chaos will their state of being come to an end. As for the reasons enabling them to become freed spirits, all fall within the following standards:


  1. While alive they acted meritoriously for others in the world (such as pure-minded and upright religious leaders, philosophers, politicians and educators).


  2. While alive they contributed something to human society (such as scientists, philanthropists, etc.).


  3. Those who were dutiful and loyal to parents and their country, who practiced chastity and integrity, and acted righteously.


  4. Good people who possess wisdom.


  In brief, the precondition for any human to become a freed spirit is an upright, sincere commitment to one’s duties and ideals. While alive such a person’s yang e-tropicity will overcome his yin e-tropicity (as discussed above). Thus upon passing away and undergoing verification and judgement in the spirit realm, it is allowed to abide anywhere in the spatial sphere around its own planet. It may be given suitable duties in governing and judging ordinary harmonons. (This is commonly called an “landscape god” or “city god”, etc.) It is also able, according to the power of its vows, to continue its spiritual cultivation, to keep establishing merit and virtue, and in so doing be taken to a higher level. Owing to its strengthened yang e-tropicity, it can break through its own spiral harmony system and reach a higher heavenly domain (field of spiral harmony), and so become an advanced immortal or buddha. This is an overview of freed spirits. The truth is, throughout all space, everything is subject to control by natural laws which not even deities and buddhas are exempt from. Thus deities and immortals also need to draw on their actions and cultivation, in life or beyond, to nurture their individual abilities. Only in this way can they strive toward Heaven and overcome the constraints of nature. Freed spirits are those who possessed, while alive, the ability to exist after death. But their level is not so high, and they are unable to pass beyond the isothermal zone of their home planets (that is, they cannot break through the ring of vortical wind).


  From this perspective, what we call gods and buddhas are simply spiritual entities who are more advanced than humans in experience, wisdom and ability. Their spiritual endowment enables them to possess more methods and skills to overcome and utilize the laws of nature. Freed spirits possess a rudimentary ability to resist nature: they are thus able to get beyond the small reincarnation cycle (i.e., reincarnation within a single planetary system). Ordinary harmonons lack this ability, and thus continue to be reincarnated.


  C. Gradations of harmonons: At lower levels of harmonon gradation are ordinary harmonons and freed spirits. At higher levels are advanced beings such as immortals and buddhas, from there culminating in the realm of God. There are reasons for these gradations: they are based on essential qualities and level of adjustment to natural laws. This is because even deities cannot actually control nature, but can only make good use of it. The configuration of the spiritual world dovetails completely with the natural world. As discussed in “A Natural View of Matter” earlier, the foremost law of nature in the entire cosmos is the “law of spiral harmony”. After that comes “universal attraction”. Under the law of spiral harmony ais the vortical wind in orbital paths separating each planet. Under universal attraction is the attraction of opposites among various objects, and the attraction of like to like among ultra-minute e-tropons. Thus in order for deities and buddhas to live, they must adjust to the conditions of natural laws while also making use of them and mediating between them.


  As for gradations of harmonons, let us assume the eight levels below, matching each with its physical description. (See Figure 13, Table of Harmonon Gradations)


Ultimate Realm Fig13: Gradation of Harmonos
新境界插圖十三: 和子等級表

  What Buddhists call “form” is really e-tropons. E-tropons are cumbersome and thus subject to the pull of attractive forces. They cannot break out of their spiral harmony system. If they do manage to break out of one, they cannot break through to another system (as a sacred being could). Only harmonons with greater amounts of yang e-tropicity or raydon can go beyond this restraint. The power of e-tropicity and raydon force is beyond conceiving.


  1. Ordinary harmonons are liable to drift below the isothermal zone, where they are pulled by the planet’s gravity into a downward fall.


  2. A freed spirit comes and goes freely within the isothermal zone, unconfined by gravity.


  3. A t’ien-chün(天君) can penetrate through the vortical winds between planets and move freely within a spiral harmony system.


  4. A sacred being can break through a single spiral harmony system.


  5. A t’ien-tsun(天尊) can break through two spiral harmony systems.


  6. An immortal or buddha can pass through five spiral harmony systems.


  7. God can pass through all spiral harmony systems of the universe.


  The spiral harmony systems of the universe have five different laws of spiral harmony. To penetrate the entirely of spiral harmony systems, the capability of passing through five kinds of laws of spiral harmony is required.


  Also, when the above is combined with Buddhist ideas, we have what is shown in Fig.14:


Ultimate Realm Fig 14: Levels of the Heavenly Realm
新境界插圖十四: 天界層次圖

  All seven of these gradations, except for the realm of the Most Exalted Lord, are humanly attainable through eons of cultivation. All are metamorphic phenomena of spirit and matter. Thus even the realm of spirit comes into being as a result of human striving for the good. However, attaining to the four upper levels is no easy matter.

  凡此七種等級,除 上帝至尊之境界以外,皆可由人類歷劫修成,皆為心靈與物質蛻變之現象。故靈的境界亦為人類努力向善之結果所造成,不過欲達上四級之境界,甚為不易耳。