Section 1 : The Origin of Life

第一節 生命之來源

  A. The law by which e-tropons aggregate into objects has been discussed in Chapter I above. The origin of life requires two basic constituents of the cosmos to be in balance. That is, only the proper combination of harmonons and e-tropons can give rise to vital force in low-level objects and to life itself in advanced organism. Thus the origin of life and life force must proceed through evolving combinations of e-tropons, to be described below, which lay down a mechanical foundation. Only after these are joined with harmonons can a multiplicity of organic and non-organic objects emerge.


  1. Origins of the ultimate constituents of matter: “Chapter I” above has already discussed e-tropons as ultimate constituents of matter. But in the stage of primordial chaos, where did e-tropons come from? The answer is that e-tropons, which are matter on the smallest scale and the ultimate constituent of matter, existed in a vast liquid flux during the phase of primordial chaos. This was what remained of the previous spiral harmony system. When the previous spiral system met its eventual destruction and assumed a liquid state, all of its matter disintegrated into tiny particles and spread in the liquid throughout space, or it became hydrogenic essence and floated free above the liquid. These remnant particles are yin e-tropons, and the hydrogenic essence is yang e-tropons. In other words, the formation of a new spiral harmony system depends on the presence of basic substances for gradual growth to happen.


  2. The like-attracts-like law in e-tropons: The movement of yin and yang e-tropons, unlike the directionless oscillation of particles, is attracted by a rule different from that of ordinary electricity. The positive and negative polarities of ordinary electricity follow the principle of “like-repels-like and opposites attract”. However, e-tropons follow the principle of “like-attracts-like and opposites repel”. This is a truth that has not yet been discovered in physics. The fact is, if e-tropons were also governed by the rule of “like repels like”, they could not aggregate to make the units of matter called atoms, and there would be no matter in the universe.


  3. The process by which e-tropons combine to become atoms: Since the e-tropons of the universe are governed by the law of like-attracts-like and opposites repel, they can aggregate thereby into various kinds of atoms according to initial, coincidental differences (i.e. quantitative differences in accumulation and assortment of yin and yang e-tropons which fall out of space to a planetary surface). According to the mutually attracting components, they may join into atoms with yin nuclei at their centers (atoms in minerals) or atoms with half yin and half yang nuclei at their centers (atoms in plants) or atoms with yang nuclei at their centers (atoms in advanced animals and mankind). That is, the formation of matter depends on the rule of like-attracts-like among e-tropons, and only in this way do they join together to become atoms.


  4. The law of transformation from e-tropons to electricity: When like e-tropons attract each other, due to increasing temperatures they will gradually reach a certain je-chun. As the e-tropons reach the critical energy, yin and yang e-tropons twist and join together (attraction of opposites) to make electricity (including the positive and negative). This electricity is what we see in the atmosphere as lightning. It is the electricity which we can perceive and do experiments on. As is commonly known, it is governed by the law of like repels like and opposites attract. Thus, yang e-tropons and yin e-tropons must reach a certain level of energy before they can change to electricity and attract their opposites. On the other hand, when that level of je-chun is lost, the electricity goes back to its original form as yin and yang e-tropons, with like attracting like as before.


Ultimate Realm Fig 9: E-tropons Changing from Like-Attracts-Like to Like-Repels-Like
新境界插圖九: 電子同引異排及電子異引同排圖

  5. Relation of substance and energy in the e-troponic composition of matter: The relation of substance in the e-troponic composition of objects depends on the proper je-chun and the proportion of yang e-tropons. If the yin and yang e-tropons composing an object both reach the proper degree of energy and are brought together into atoms, this will be an advanced animal; otherwise it will be a low-level inorganic object. Also, if an object is composed of more yang e-tropons than yin e-tropons (since yang e-tropons are lighter and more mobile), then it will be a static, organized structure of a high level. The relations among these factors are as follows:


  (1) The attraction of like to like for yang e-tropons is at a higher speed than for yin e-tropons.


  (2) If there are more yang e-tropons than yin e-tropons, then they will attract each other and become atoms with yang nuclei at the center. These are the most mobile.


  (3) If the numbers of yin and yang e-tropons are equal, like will attract like to make atoms with half-yang, half-yin nuclei. Mobility is second only to Number 2.


  (4) When yin e-tropons outnumber yang e-tropons, like will attract like to make atoms having yin nuclei at their centers. These are the least mobile. The above is the basic relation of substance and energy in the e-troponic composition of atoms of matter.


  Up to the present, even advanced hypotheses of atomic chemistry have not elucidated these things.


  6. Relation of quantity in the e-troponic composition of matter: In the law of e-troponic composition of matter, aside from the relation of substance and energy described above, there is also the relation of quantity. The relation of substance determines the matter’s level of mobility, while the relation of quantity distinguishes the degree of fineness in matter. The e-tropons contained in matter, due to impact of like attracting like, have mechanical, Brownian movement. Only when joined with harmonons do they have organic properties. Here are examples:


  (1) E-tropons in the human body are hypothetically ten times more numerous than in apes.
  (2) E-tropons in apes are hypothetically twice as numerous as in advanced plants.
  (3) E-tropons in low-grade plants are hypothetically twice as numerous as in rocks.


  By virtue of e-tropon quantity, mankind comes to be the most highly realized life-form; apes come next; but plants have only the functions of flowering and bearing fruit. As for minerals, they may have life force, but mankind has not yet observed it. (In truth, rocks have growth, but humans have not noticed and therefore judge them to be inorganic.)


  Combining the above relations of substance, energy and quantity in the e-troponic composition of matter, the following explanatory diagrams can be drawn:


  (1) The attraction of e-tropons that form the atoms of human beings, animals, plants and minerals are shown in Figure 10.


Ultimate Realm Fig 10: The Process of Aggregating E-tropons into Different Levels of Matter
新境界插圖十: 電子同引及遇熱異引而成各種電子圖

  (2) The quantity relations of e-tropons distinguishing human beings, animals, plants and minerals are as in Figure 11.


   (Note: For example, the fact that a magnet applied to a pile of iron and copper filings will attract the iron filings and not the copper filings demonstrates attraction of like by like.)


Ultimate Realm Fig 11

  (3) Thus, when ultra-small e-tropons join to make a spiral harmony system, the entire process of transformation and evolution should be as in Figure 12.


   (Note: The main principle is the relation of weight to speed of movement)


Ultimate Realm Fig 12: Coalescense of Rhomboid Bodies out of E-tropons
新境界插圖十二: 由電子結成稜體之過程

  B. Attraction of harmonons to objects: Since e-tropons constitute the various animal, plant and mineral things of this world, they thereby have physical form as objects with static e-tropic charge, and possess the property of attracting opposite e-tropic bodies. Thus harmonons are absorbed by various objects according to the attraction of opposites in e-tropicity, and life in the objects is initiated.


  Harmonons are particles containing yang e-tropicity which pervade outer space and our own world. Harmonons exist in great quantities where there is no boundary to their passage. Wherever there is matter with yin e-tropicity, there will be harmonons drifting in the vicinity, and as the two kinds of e-tropicity meet, the harmonons will be absorbed. Once they are present, minerals will have life force and animals will have life. They are what governs these objects, by the following laws:


  1. In minerals, assume that there is one harmonon for each 4.32 square inches of area. The attraction will be as follows:


   (1) The uppermost portion of minerals can absorb harmonons within one cubic meter; the middle layer can absorb harmonons within a volume of 10.38 cubic inches; the lowest layer can absorb harmonons within a volume of 2.07 cubic inches.


   (2) For any harmonons absorbed into an organism, except in mankind, the direction will be downward.


  2. In plants, whenever a seed is sprouting (i.e. its e-tropons are in a ferment), then its atoms will absorb a harmonon. Attraction is possible for any harmonon within a volume of one thousand cubic feet.


  3. When an ape is first born, it can attract harmonons from anywhere within a volume of two thousand cubic feet.


  4. When a human being is born, it can attract harmonons from anywhere within a volume of three thousand cubic feet.


  (The first harmonon absorbed into the object takes predominance.)


  All phenomena of life in the world arise naturally from this attraction, until such time as the objects where they rest is destroyed (at which time they are expelled outside). Only then does it drift off as free-floating harmonon.


  C. Birth and death of humans: The birth and death of human beings is governed by this law of attraction. An infant coming from its mother’s womb already possesses the physiological characteristics that make it male or female, strong or weak. All of these are based on the different combinations of e-tropons passed down hereditarily. While still in the mother’s womb, yin and yang e-tropons within the body are attracted by their own kind. If yang e-tropons are relatively numerous above the navel, they will cause the yang e-tropons below the navel to rise upward. As a result, e-tropons below the navel will have higher numbers of the yin type, making the physical characteristics of a female infant. Conversely, if there are more yang e-tropons below the navel, yang e-tropons from the upper body will be drawn down, making the physical characteristics of a male infant. This makes the difference between male and female. At any rate the fetus at this time is charged with static e-tropicity (yin e-tropicity), and so it can attract harmonons having opposite yang e-tropicity.


  When the infant first issues from its mother’s womb, any nearby harmonon within a volume of three thousand cubic feet is absorbed into the cerebrum (the first to enter predominates). Later, this absorbed harmonon becomes a regulating force which has power over the person. It directs his cerebrum until the person dies.


  When a person is young, his e-tropon-harmonon combination is in relative balance; mind and matter are in harmony. In this way, the person is regulated by his harmonon (the harmonon directing the cerebrum and the cerebrum directing the physical body). In maturity and after, the person’s demand on his e-tropons becomes increasingly great. Despite daily tonics to strengthen this person, there is too much attrition. By the time old age comes, the body is filled with yin e-tropons. Stasis overcomes dynamism; matter overcomes mind. There is no longer a place for the harmonon, and it is pushed outside of the bodily shell, composed of a statically charged concatenation of e-tropons (or, when suffering great pain or shock, the harmonon flies away immediately). This is the terminus of life.


  The harmonon in a human being, because it has remained a long time in the human body, must in fact take on some yin e-tropicity, just as an iron strip placed near a magnet will be magnetized. Its yang polarity has grown too weak to come under attraction by the yin e-tropicity of the object (that is, the dead body). Instead, this is a case of like repels like, so once separated from the body it cannot be absorbed, and it becomes a free-floating harmonon.


  This description of the birth and death of human beings is offered as an example. The same is true for life and death among animals, plants and minerals. For instance, the harmonon of a ten-foot tree is located in the trunk some 6 to 10.8 inches from the ground, a place analogous to the cerebrum in human beings.


  D. Randomness of life: Based on the above discussion, in this universe the world is pieced together out of harmonons and e-tropons. E-tropons compelled by attraction of like-to-like combine into matter and become objects with static yin e-tropicity. As for harmonons, they drift about in cosmic space and are compelled by attraction of opposites. They go in and out of objects, passing through life and death without end. In all cases they are controlled by electrical attraction. Thus the fate of harmonons is truly sad, for they are without power to choose for themselves. When they are drifting over the earth, they are liable to be trapped anytime, anywhere. For them there are thorny traps everywhere. In a careless moment they are absorbed, and then they cannot escape until the dissolution of that object. Thus harmonons that were in minerals may be absorbed into a human infant, and human harmonons may be absorbed into animals or plants. Consider a human harmonon that eventually is absorbed into a rock or plant made of low-grade e-tropon components. How would it feel? Thinking about it makes one shiver! In fact, for as long as the world has existed, all the harmonons confined in high mountains and forests have been in what Buddhists call the Avidya Hell [The Hell of Endless Suffering]. Only when things in decline are sifted out by the cosmos, when mountains are levelled and rocks are crumbled, can there be a way out. It is a lucky thing to be human, but it is as transitory as an epiphyllum flower.


  How can we characterize this theory? It is a theory of the randomness of life, or reincarnation by natural laws. It is also a pessimistic doctrine that all composite things are transitory. If this is truly the ultimate of human life, it can be thought of as meaningless in terms of value. Thus it is necessary to make the following argument as a further explanation. Only this is sufficient to let us see the true character of life.


  E. The theory of life causality: In this universe, everything is controlled by laws of nature. As Lao Tzu (老子) says, “The Tao follows what is natural”. Not even life can escape to do as it pleases. This much has been made plain above. But life is also a matter of harmonons, of spirit. Spirit, which is harmonon, is not some sort of ethereal vapor. That it too is an assemblage of advanced reactive elements has already been touched on above. Since harmonons can retain awareness and wisdom, their life is naturally able to continue developing. It is even sufficient to overcome control by natural laws and find a carefree existence beyond their constraint. Such harmonons which in themselves possess ability to strive are “deities” . Deity is an inclusive term for advanced harmonons which can remain uncontrolled by natural laws. Their attainments and methods of striving and what they gain are at various levels. All reach attainments according to their own level of striving. In brief, those that escape constraint by e-tropons and attain to the realm of high-grade true yang (partaking of the nature of raydon) are the ones possess of greatest capability. If not at this highest stage, they belong to progressively lower degrees of divinity as the quantitative charge of e-tropons increases. Thus the Buddha speaks of the three realms of desire, form, and formlessness in the great world of all orders of magnitude. What is termed “form” is e-tropons. E-tropons are the source of matter, and the greater their quantity the more they coalesce and sink downward; the smaller their quantity, the lighter and more risible are the harmonons. With the added strengthening effect of raydon substance, they can transcend the three realms and get outside of the constraints of the five phases. Also, they can come and go unhindered, making them what is called tathagata or “thus-come ones”. Then there is the Lord, who possesses the most sublime and pure raydon, and is not only able to drive all phenomena with raydon force, but also confers spirit on living things.

  戊、生命因果論—此宇宙之間,一切均受自然律之支配,即生命亦不能逍遙於「道法自然」之外,固已明言之矣。然生命者,和子也,亦性靈也。和子與性靈之非屬虛無飄渺之氣體,而亦為一種高級化學原素之組合,亦經論及之矣。和子既能保持其知覺及智慧,則和子之生命自有其繼續發展之能力,甚至於足以凌駕自然律之支配而逍遙於其拘束之外。此種具有自我奮鬥能力之和子,即為「神」。神者,具有不受自然律支配能力之高級和子之總稱也,其奮鬥之方法及成效,亦有其不同之等級,皆依其自我奮鬥之程度而達到之。要之,凡能免除其電子之拘束而達到高級真陽(係屬鐳性)之境界者,即具有最大之能力;反之,即為依次遞減其電子量之電體的神類。故佛說此三千大千世界中有欲界、色界及無色界三界。所謂「色」即電子也。電子為物質之根源,電子量越多,便越凝聚而下沉;電子量越少,便越清輕而上升,又加以鐳質之作用以增強之,故能超出三界外,不在五行中,亦能隨心所欲來去自如,所謂「如來」是也。至於 上帝,則為具有最精華之純鐳質,不但能以鐳力驅使一切現象,並能賦予生物之性靈。

  The One whom we call Lord is master of all spirits in the cosmos. The Lord possesses awesome divine power and can harmonize the laws of the cosmos in ways that go beyond ordinary physics and electrical science (see below). But human beings cannot yet perceive this with their eyes. Since the Lord possesses mastery over spiritual beings throughout the universe, there are of course inherent laws and principles in the non-physical world. What is more, all harmonons, in their incarnation and transcendence, have a coordinated relation between causality and the laws of nature.

  夫 上帝者,全宇宙性靈之主宰也,具備大威神力,對於宇宙規律之調和則是超乎一般物理與電子科學之外(詳後),惟人類未能目睹之耳。 上帝既具有主宰全宇宙間性靈之能力,則無形之中自亦有其法度,有其律令,而一切和子之輪迴超脫亦均有其因果與自然兩元之配合關係。

  Life at its source is bestowed by Lord of the Universe. It has both random and causal aspects. The causal aspect is active; the random aspect is passive. The active aspect has ability to utilize laws of nature to attain its aims; the passive can only accept control by natural law and go through unending reincarnations.

  生命之來源皆是得自 宇宙主宰之賦予,有偶然的,亦有因果的。因果的為主動的;偶然的為被動的。主動的具有運用自然律之條件而達其目的之能力;被動者則唯有接受自然律之支配而輪迴不已。

  As for how can harmonons transcend intimidation by natural laws, this is determined within the sphere of human life, not outside of it. Seeking to remedy things after death would be too late. Hence the following section was written to address this.
