The Lord of Universe Church

A way to our home in the Cosmos

The Hierarch Specially Approves the Presider’s Appeal for a Year of Heavenly Amnesty

from Sir Tai-xu:

Presiding Emissary Wei-sheng in the human world has made a tearful appeal, praying to establish the year 2000 as the “Year of Heavenly Amnesty.” I have been instructed to put the following decree into effect:

a. The worldly year of 2000 C.E. is recognized by divine decree as the first Year of Heavenly Amnesty.

b. In keeping with the natural law of life furthering life, our teachings have been handed down for ages in the world. Henceforth, every hundredth year of the worldly calendar will be set as a “Year of Pardon,” and every thousandth year will be set as a “Year of Heavenly Amnesty”.

c. The Second Presiding Emissary of The Lord Of Universe Church is asked to undertake formulation of teachings regarding “pardon” and “heavenly amnesty,” as a basis for spreading the message. This decree is proclaimed to the Three Realms and the Ten Directions, to be implemented.

by All, on the 27th Day of the 12th Lunar Month, in the Year of Yi-Mou.[1999]